Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Scrapaperclip Giveaway Anniversary

Wow Scrapaperclip nak giveaway sempena 1st Anniversarynya.. Cik Tqah memang berkenan gile-gile ngn design die.. sangat2 kreatif,. teringin plak nak jadi kreatif cm die.. harap-harap dapatla menang Signage dari Scrapaperclip ni. bukan senang nak dpt free gift bernilai ratus-ratus ni..

puih-puih (berlakon cam ludah konon-konon jampila kan..haish.. berdosa) ..silalah bertuah wahai badan.. semoga aura b2b melekat kat Cik Tqah so bleh la menang give away ni kan.. korang-korang b2b sume...cepatla join.. mana tahu rezeki korang dpt signage yang cantik lagi berseni dari Scrapaperclip ni.. 

Antara Syarat-syarat yang dipertaruhkan oleh pengajur seperti dibawah :

1. Be a follower.
2. Copy my button below and put it on your sidebar. 

3. Spread this news in your blog post title Scrapaperclip Giveaway Anniversary. Simple one will do..No need to write so much. Quick and simple to link your post to mine so that others can participate too.
4. Leave comment here with your link of the post and email address easier for me to notify the winner later.
Format : Giveaway Anniversary : Post Link : Email
** make sure u give me your email as without email I am not able to process =)
5. DONE ! 

6. Only Comments under this particular post will be accepted to join. Other post will be disqualified oke.. 
7. However if you are already a member/follower just post the entry and thats it!

Senang kan.. jumla kite berdoa semoga dapat menang giveaway ni.. 1 more thing.. nak tengok hasil-hasil diorang?

Cantik sangat kan? bukan senang nak jadi kreatif.. ape lagi..benda free bukan mudah nak dapat kalau xde effort ye tak? jum la join ramai-ramai.. :)