Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Yeay..da dpt replacement Photographer

hai all..

tengok tajuk semua mesti dah tau Cik Tqah da overcome masalah photographer tu kan?
Alhamdulillah.. after he(my ex photog x jadi) explained to me pasal he's getting married same days as me at dat nite gak hunting for photog dari Utara.. actually memang dah lama berkenan ngan sorang photog dari Penang ni.. few time asking him about the price.. since before tunang nk hire die shoot n burn.. but xjadi coz nk cust cost.. then before hire ex photog ni pon de tanye die pasal package.. then Cik Tqah xfollowup ngn dia coz ex-photog much more cheaper n hasil almost same.. sebab i loike less editing picture.. no touch up colour to much.

i called him dat nite n he confirm yang xde orang booked lagi for my wedding date. lucky me kan.. selalunya mesti da full sebab after raya tu tarikh quite hot.. see.. less than 2 months before my wedding tetibe jadi mende cmni..sape x cuak kan.. sebab i da book since march n payment pon da almost 3/4 kot.. after i whatapps ngn new photog ni die ok n confirm. i promised him to pay depo ASAP. then contact balik ngn ex-photog to refund.

Alhamdulillah.. yesterday morning he refund n manage to pay secure deposit for booking the date. plus the my photog budget increase by RMxxx.. memang nak jadi rezeki new photog ni..sebab suppose tunang nak amek.. then x jadi..then tanye pakej kawen xjadi.. then jadi.. i do like his shoot very much...

i know them from other B2B blogger.. kalau xsalah Rinahamid. from this link
Thanks Shamir for your fast reply. and da dpt resit for my payment also.

My new photog is Shamir from Selphya Photography

Their FB :
Their Website :

Layan few pics captured by Shamir

ALHAMDULILLAH - Setel masalah!


  1. alhamdulillah.. akhirnya settle jgk :)

  2. @cik saila : thanks dear mendoakan i :)

  3. Alhamdulillah.. selesai masalah. setiap yang berlaku pasti ade hikmahnye kann..?? :)

  4. congrats ya da jumpa fotog...happy for u..shamir is indeed one nice guy..n sgt gila2..hehehehe..goodluck!

  5. @nYomel : thanks for your support..memang ade hikmah sebab i memang usya die dulu before ex photog tu..i memang berkenan just sbb nk cust cost sikit i xamek die..

  6. @cikpuan Rara : Alhamdulillah.. best sgt

  7. @rina hamid: thanks Rina sebab i know their page dr ur blog tau.. hihihi.. doakan semuanya ok..:)
