Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Sikh Wedding - Just Sharing

hi b2b,

just nak share my ofismate punye wedding. she's a sikh.. and of course la budaya diorang tak sama macam malay wedding..

while watching dis video mesti korang rase kemeriahannya plus rase cm tengah tengok filem hindustan kan.. FYI she pay this viedographer n photographer almost 10k for her wedding.

plus sikh/indian wedding cost beribu2 untuk emas sahaja.. and guess what all gold pay by bride..

for me.. wedding my fren ni besh sebab meriah ngan sedara mara.. happening..

for you Sharvinder and Bal.. Congrats.. :)

Layan Video bawah k

p/s : masih menunggu album dr op.. hu.. kedai printing..sila cepat sikittt

1 comment:

  1. takleh video stream.. kne block.. T__T xleh view.. xleh komen.. takleh wat pape.. huu
